Staatsminister Aiwanger zu Besuch bei Hoefer & Sohn
Am runden Tisch mit weiteren Mitgliedern des Verbands Deutscher Werkzeug- und Formenbauer sowie der Mittelstandsbeauftragten der Landtags-Grünen Barbara Fuchs diskutierte Staatsminister Hubert Aiwanger die Herausforderungen der Branche Links: Pressemitteilung Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und...
Successful participation in Medtec LIVE 2022
The preparation was really worth it in the end, we had exciting days at the fair with many interesting discussions. An article about Medtec LIVE with T4M appeared in the current issue 06/2022, which we are allowed to link to with kind permission.
Meet Hoefer & Sohn at the MedtecLIVE with T4M 2022 in Stuttgart
We are looking forward to meeting you at the MedtecLive from 03.-05.05.2022 in Stuttgart.
SME meets Start-Up
This is the story about a succesful new cooperation for Hoefer & Sohn with a Start-Up that was looking for an experienced partner to realize its idea.
Marktspiegel Werkzeugbau - Hoefer & Sohn gave an interview to Kunststoff-Magazin
As Hoefer & Sohn was already part of the initiative "Marktspiegel Werkzeugbau" in the pilot phase, we talked about our experiences we made with this project from the beginning.